The Dream Machine presented in Experimenta lounge invites us to reach a state of consciousness that opens into lucid dreams, where the dreamer is the explorer of their unconscious. Turning on itself, this installation gives the feeling of floating in space as a weightless astronaut weightless in the gap between equilibrium and controlled vertigo. In the manner of an architect, Lionel plays with the cantilevered door and generates all kinds of sensations… Read More
The chamber of dreams
Evolvingartistic laboratorythat developsa universeconducive to theexplorationof dreams.Solicitingthe imagination, the tool used to navigatebetween reality anddreams.Sound installations,musical instruments,mechanical machines, paintings and sculptures allowviewersto enter aworldwithout the limitsof the unconscious. The Experimental Chamber ofDreamsoffers veriable experiencesin the form ofexhibitions, performancesand concerts.